Xcel Chassis Motor Seals

Help: Xcel Seal Information

Part of registration is to have your Xcel Seal information posted.

Many are not clear on what that means so on a recent trip to the Xcel Chassis shop, we took a few images to clear things up.

CPU Serial Number

The CPU serial number is in the corner and it is not a sticker, but STAMPED into the plastic casing

example: The CPU serial number for this image is SN9178

CPU Serial Number

Xcel CPU Seal Sticker

This is required on and Xcel Chassis CPU. It is the barcode sticker and you are responsible for submitting the ID number for this sticker.

example: the Top sticker number here is 1036101

Xcel CPU Seal Sticker
Xcel CPU Seal Sticker

Xcel Motor Seal Number

The Xcel Chassis Motor Seal is on both the Yamaha and Suzuki motors. It is inserted into the top of the motor and will feature this blue seal. You are responsible for listing the seal number.

example: The top number seal in this image is 6786851

Xcel Chassis Motor Seal

Motor Serial Numbers

There is another post dedicated to how to identify and report serial numbers for both the Yamaha and Suzuki motors LOOK HERE to view that post

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